Thursday, April 15, 2010


I feel really grateful. It's been kind of an up and down week but I am coming out on top. A conversation I had last week kind of sent me into a tailspin of emotion and instead of hiding in my dark place and staying there I've fought to see the good in my life. It's something I should always do but I'm weak and I don't. Anyway, that's not the point. The point is that I'm grateful and I want the world to know it!

I bet you're dying to know what I'm grateful for...

*Prayer. I have felt the power of prayer so strongly this week. I've felt answers to my prayers come and I have felt strength from the prayers of the people that know that I'm a bit of a basket case this week.

*Beautiful spring days. Although I know that spring in Utah is crazy and all over the place I can't help but be filled with happiness about the sunshine and warmth. I don't have any windows in the front office where I work but it still feels lighter.

*The sun coming up when I leave for work at 6:35am. No more dark mornings for a few months! Hurrah!

*My sister. She's great, seriously. And her kids. Being at their house makes me happier than I can express. The good chats, and those cute smiles and little snuggles from Austin & Emily warm my heart.

*Lora, Rachel & Chris. This list could go on forever if I listed all of the friends that I am grateful for but this week I am especially grateful for these 3. (As I am pretty much always...) Lora helped to keep me distracted from my brain that wouldn't stop and also let me talk talk talk and cry as much as I needed. Not to mention the weekly lunches that are seriously as good as (if not better than) therapy. Rachel, who always knows when I need to hear from her, always listens, always makes me laugh and who understands the inner workings of my brain with little or no explanation. And Chris, who listens to me cry even when he has had a bad day too, makes time to hang out even when he isn't feeling especially social (I always leave feeling happier than I did when I got there, it's kind of a talent that he has), gives me fantastic advice, knows much of what I'm feeling just because he knows me that well (kind of scary), and makes me laugh on a very regular basis (Diddly Wack Mack Mormon Daddy?).

*Random chats on google, MSN & facebook with people that I love. The chats brighten my day and help me to miss my friends less. (Hi Corinnie, Ames & Jeanne! <3) style="font-style: italic;">not grateful that I miss them so much. :)

*Have I mentioned sunshine yet?

*Plans for a belated birthday dinner with my friend Andrea tonight.

*Having plans for the weekend with friends from my ward. Can you believe it?! Elf/Christmas in April party on Friday night and a New Moon party on Saturday (don't worry we will be watching the rifftrax version...muuuch better that way. I bet I won't even fall asleep)

*Cafe Rio & American Idol with my roommate.

*My home teachers. They're fantastic! I feel like they actually care about me and aren't just coming to fulfill a duty.

*Purpley blue shirts like the one I'm wearing today.

*Being able to see all of the good in my life even when I physically ache for something different. (I can probably count on one hand the number of times I have felt a physical ache because of a desire for doesn't happen often but when it happened recently I was immediately able to see that my life is great right now too. Live in the moment& stop wishing for more Beth!!)

Ok I'll stop there ...I know this was probably one of those cheesy "did she really just do that?" kind of posts but...who am I trying to impress?!

Oh and here is a picture of one of my favorite little smiles.


Laura said...

Ugh I hear ya babe! I hate that girls like us are prone to struggle so much! I am glad you have such a strong testimony, I have been peering over other testimony fences to see what they've got that maybe I'd like to add to my own. Life can be so joyful and so hard, but it's these times that shape and define us into the wonderful people we already are and will become!

I love you~

Ashley Myntti said...

Beth!!! I am so excited to be part of your blogging world! You are an amazing friend and I'll see you soon.

Lora said...

I love yer guts! Thanks for saving my sanity on a weekly basis. I'm grateful for YOU!
