Thursday, January 13, 2011

WAIT!! I'm a Pisces??

No wonder I had such a rough day...My whole world shifted and I didn't even know it.  ha!

How do you think the people who live their lives around their horoscopes must be feeling right now?  Their whole life was a lie...A LIE!! 

Ok, I know everyone and their dog is talking about this but it did make me giggle and after the day I've had that giggle was worth sharing.  :)  The funny thing is, I was doing pre-service for a new employee the other day and I noticed that his birthday is the day after mine.  He said oh, nice!  Aries!  I hadn't referred to my zodiac sign in forever, how random that someone would and now BAM it's different...I wonder how he is taking it.  Ok, I know I'm a big random mess right now but there it is.

And here is my new horoscope for today.  I even got some advice on how to plan a party...niiice!

"Focus in on the things that really need accomplishing and the rest of the day will move along quickly. Someone has good ideas and not realizing it, may just leapfrog you forward in your career. Up-to-date information is most important to your business and you work and research to find the most recent theories and research that will help in your future projects and contacts with professional people. A strong urge for the social life finds you visiting with the neighbors this evening. Planning a future get-together is fun and a good way to bond and to keep in the know around the neighborhood. Consider suggesting a time to enjoy games and each other's food with perhaps a progressive dinner. A treat at each house: appetizers, salads, side dishes and desserts."

1 comment:

Mal said...

I think it's so funny that people are all talking about this today. There's even a link on the Yahoo homepage to an article debunking the whole horoscope shift scare. 'Cuz I'm a Leo and that's not changing.