Friday, April 30, 2010

I love how life is full of surprises. Pretty much all of the time I pray for things or for guidance and the answer isn't what I expected. You'd think I would have learned by now but I am being reminded, once again, that there is a great big plan that is always in the works and it is far better than anything I could ever come up with on my own.

Almost exactly a year ago I packed up my life, said goodbye to family and friends and drove across the country to start a new life. A month and a half later I was back in Utah with a great job, great apartment (after that period of homelessness), a great ward and a huge blank in any ideas that I had for my future. I thought I had my future figured out when I moved to Maryland but there was much more in store for me. Moving away from Utah and then coming back is probably one of the best things I ever could have done. Although moving across the country twice was expensive and draining emotionally I needed a clean start. I needed to leave behind all of the things that were holding me back and start again.

My new job gave me that, I met some amazing people, was able to learn some new skills, worked with a good friend from a former job and was able to get experience in the field that I went to school for, not to mention I got to plan parties for the company. It also gave me the confidence to work with co-workers and customers and to expand my communication skills. I expected to be at that job for a long time. I started trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life to continue growing. School made the most sense so I filled out financial aid paperwork and I started to pray about my options. For months I felt like it wasn't right. I didn't understand how going to school could be a bad thing but I just didn't feel it so I waited and kept praying about what was next. And then last week happened.

Chris told me about a job that he wanted me to apply for but had just been filled. I was disappointed but couldn't stop thinking about it, after further discussion I found that he couldn't either. We both kind of felt like things wouldn't work out with the person that was hired. Fast forward to Sunday night when Chris asked for my resume. The person that was hired didn't work out and they were doing more interviews. I got a call on Monday and had an interview on Tuesday. After the interview I didn't feel like it went well so I tried to get myself to stop thinking about it because I was POSITIVE that they didn't want me. I kept thinking about how much I wanted to be able to move to the city and have a new start but I also reminded myself that I have a great job and I work with great people and I can go to school and figure things out. By Thursday I had practically forgotten that the opportunity had existed at all until I got a phone call. I didn't answer because I had a feeling it was the person I interviewed with and I wanted him to just leave me a message telling me that I didn't get it. I'm all about avoidance. :) I was a bit shocked when the message said "Hey, give me a call..." By 10am I had accepted the job offer and by Thursday night everything was clicking.

I'm sure it has happened to everyone, that moment when you think about the previous weeks (or months or years) and the light bulb flicks on and it seems to make sense. It's known as an "Ah ha moment" for a good reason. I won't go into all of the things that now make sense for me but I will say that it makes sense and there is a plan.

So, in 2 weeks I will begin working near the city and in a few months after my housing contract is up I will be moving there. I am grateful it isn't happening all at once (Gradual change is better for me :) But more than anything I'm grateful that this is happening at all. I look forward to a job that will be a challenge for me and will hopefully help me to grow even more. I look forward to moving out of the county that has been my home for almost 9 years. I'm nervous about all of it but how will I ever grow if I don't do things that challenge me? I don't know what is in store for me in the coming months and years but I do know, without a doubt, that there is a plan for my life and it has been laid out by someone much more wise than I will ever be. My knowledge that I have a Heavenly Father that knows me, really really knows ME is growing more and more every day. It's true for everyone and that fills my heart with joy and gratitude. I have been given so much and I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure I am worthy of those blessings.


Chris said...

I'm glad your going to be so close. Congrats on things working out!

merrilykaroly said...

Wow, it's amazing how suddenly things can change! I hope you enjoy this new opportunity!

Amber said...

Good for you Beth! I hope that you like your new job and new location. :)