Sunday, April 06, 2008

Who is this person?

Do you ever have hours, days, weeks, months etc where you are some person that you don't even know? That's me lately. I have been SUCH a brat to people I really really care about lately and I need to stop. It makes me ache inside after it happens. The worst part is that in the moment I don't realize how awful I'm being until right after I do or say something and then the aching starts. I don't get where it's coming from but I need to get to the bottom of this. Anyone have any suggestions? I think I really need to figure out where some of these feelings of frustration and sadness come from that are the starting off point for all of the awfulness. Bleh, I hate feeling this way.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I know the feeling! My wonderings of "who is this person" lately tend to be "who is this lazy person?" So I can get on board with the what the crap is wrong with me feeling? Its crazy! Hope you can find yourself soon and feel normal! Love yoU!