Sunday, January 09, 2011

2010 did not suck.

I was just thinking about my New Years resolution for 2010 and I think it might possibly be the first one that I ever succeeded at.  Maybe I need to choose broader resolutions more often.  :)  For those of you who don't memorize my blog posts my goal for the year was to recover from 2009.  I'm happy to say that I did and had a pretty dang good year while I was at it.  It wasn't perfect, crappy stuff happened (Car was totaled, for example) but overall it was great.  I felt happy, grew stronger, moved closer to the city, got a job that keeps me busy and makes me feel like my days have meaning, moved to a place that feels like a home, bought a reliable car, overcame constant and debilitating anxiety (it's not gone but I can live again), went on a few trips and a whole lot more.  I couldn't be more grateful for what I have been given and for the great year that I had.

I hope this year will be equally rewarding.  A few goals that I have set for myself for this year include, read at least 2 books a month (I'm taking recommendations! I'm reading The Help right now, already my second book this month woo!), attend the temple more regularly, put my laundry away once it is done and a few more that I don't plan to share.  Mostly I just want to have more fun, love more and work at being a kinder, more grateful and more in tune person.

1 comment:

Lora said...

Yeah, Bethers! I'm glad 2010 didn't suck! I hope 2011 is even better!