I just went to the grocery store and walked around for 30 minutes trying to find food that sounded good and was healthy that I can eat for lunch and I left with english muffins, for my breakfast. I am in a food rut! I go through phases where food just stops sounding good to me and I'm in a huge one right now. I can usually figure SOMETHING out for dinner and then I eat it everyday for a week. Breakfast is easy, I eat egg whites on an english muffin every day and have been since October. But lunch. Lunch is my trial. I don't love sandwiches, especially if they are cold and made with cheap nasty tasting lunch meat (which is all I can afford when I'm trying to save money to move across the country). I just don't know what to eat!! I need help! Anyone have any suggestions? Recipes? Anything? I'm begging here people. I need healthy lunch ideas. Oh, and don't suggest soup. I have issues with soup unless it is homemade. I am not a fan of the amount of sodium found in all canned soups (even the low sodium ones).
PS I have a Redbox rant boiling inside of me but I'm refraining because I have already ranted once before, but just so you know, I waited in line for 10 minutes tonight to get a movie that I reserved online. 10 minutes may not seem so bad but when you are the 2nd person in line it is that bad. That couple got nasty redbox vibes from me. Worst part? The movie wasn't there. It was in the other Redbox that wasn't working. The only good thing that came out of it is that I got 2 free Redbox codes when I called to get a refund. You may think that is a rant, but if you could hear what I was really thinking you'd know this is nothin'.
1 comment:
Lately I've been experimenting with frying up potatoes with carrots, and combining them with some other meat. Add rice and BBQ sauce and presto! I just cook up a large amount of this on Sunday evening and eat off it throughout the week.
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