Thursday, April 16, 2009

Things I want to do before I leave Provo...

In no particular order.

-Eat at J-Dawgs. I never have and I feel a great desire to try the special sauce!!

-Have a spring cookout! It's tradition!

-Go to the zoo.

-Go stargazing in the canyon. It's still chilly in the evenings and this is a much better summer activity but I need one last good star gazing session before I leave!

-Go to Mimi's and eat corn chowder even though I'm allergic to corn.
-Go to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point. I've always wanted to go but couldn't justify the price. I still can't, but I might just go anyway.

Oh...and pack.


Joan said...

Wait, wait, wait. You are allergic to corn? Why does this seem like news to me?
So what about corn syrup? That's in everything! What do you do?

Beth said...

Well, it's a new finding on my part. I realized that I felt really sick every time I ate corn or popcorn (which are two of my favorite things). I googled some stuff and found that stiff achy joints in the morning are also a sign of corn allergy. I don't think it's very severe because I can still eat corn, I just don't feel very good after I do and I feel like a 90 yr old when I wake up in the mornining. But according to the internet (which makes it true...) it's a corn allergy. There is a whole website about it which makes me laugh. :)

Brian said...

You should take Skippy to J-Dawgs. I can't remember if I ever took him or not...Jen and I have been in a hot dog mood this week in Spokane, but can't find a good stand. Take advantage of J-Dawgs while you're still there!

Amber said...

J-Dawgs is really yummy...I miss them..and Jacintos! Soooo good...sniff sniff. When you move back to MD, you'll have to tell me where some good food places are around here. I've lived here 3 years and still haven't tried crab or anything fun!