Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 16: A picture of someone who inspires you

I actually can't post pictures of the people that inspire me the most right now, I would love to but it would be crossing all sorts of lines.  I am inspired by the people I support at work.  They are seriously the best people I know and you can tell how incredibly special they are.  I love how quick they are to smile or to show love to people.  I love when I see them and they laugh or clap or say "I missed you" and kiss me on the cheek.  I love that they like to tell me about their lives and ask me for advice at times as well.  I love the things that I learn from them, like how to laugh in the simplest of moments or how to really believe in myself.  I love that they don't look at their lives with limitations, they plan for the future, they have dreams bigger than I dream for myself and they truly believe they can fulfill those dreams.  Perhaps they won't be able to fulfill some of their dreams but it certainly doesn't hurt to dream because that makes more things seem possible.

To my sweet friends that I have the opportunity to interact with and serve each day, thank you for teaching me and loving me and helping me to feel alive and like life has a purpose.  You have changed me for the better. 

1 comment:

Brian said...

bEtH, I seriously love this post! It was beautiful and eloquent. You are sooo cool!