Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ahhh Low Fat...

Yeah, that's right. I'm doing Weight Watchers. And with that comes the whole, watching what you eat thing. I kind of love it and have become one of the "go to" people at work for ideas on yummy things to eat while staying within your daily points. It has been a lot of fun for me to share my recipes, share my favorite quick & easy snacks/meals and to have a good relationship with co-workers because we are all doing this together! (Some background, I'm doing a WW work program. My HR department started it and our WW leader comes once a week to my place of employment for weigh-ins and meetings. There are about 20 women & men that are doing it and it's such a fun thing for everyone to work together! In 7 weeks our group lost over 400 pounds total...As our leader put it "that's a football player and a skinny cheerleader!!!")

Anyway, a lot of people have major issues with low fat or no fat foods. And yes, I agree where some foods are concerned (like fat free ranch...helloooo cardboard) but there are others that I can't even tell the difference! I love light string cheese! One cheese fulfills a daily dairy product & only costs me 1 point! I actually like them better than full fat string cheese! Less oily, try them out! The other thing I don't mind in the least is fat free ice cream. I've had some nasty fat free ice cream but I found the best of the best in Blue Bunny Ice Cream. Oh delicious. The point of this post is to drool over this new wonderful low fat dessert that I just found. I have never been a really big ice cream person. When I do have ice cream it has to be on a cone or in some form other then just in a bowl. Tonight I was in search of something new while I grocery shopped and came across Weight Watchers Smart Ones Desserts. My Aunt has raved about these before & so did a friend of mine but for some reason I never bought them, probably the price tag. Anyway, today I splurged and oh man! They're delicious! I had the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough one and I'm a believer. If you are looking for a low fat treat to take care of a sweet tooth I highly suggest these things...and no I'm not being paid I just like to share my findings...and plus, who ever thought I would give this much detail about my Weight Watchers participation? If you are curious, it's still going well. I am loving trying new recipes & eating healthier. I really enjoy working out as well, once I get there. So there you go, it's going well.


Carrie said...

I've often wondered about Weight Watchers. Could you give me the low down on how the system works sometime? Just the bullet points so I can understand it. And I do remember that you've never been quite an ice cream person and it still shocks me to this day because ice cream is the other love of my life!

merrilykaroly said...

That's cool that all those coworkers at work are doing that together! Sounds like a really good support team. Ever since I got married, I've been eating the real stuff instead of lowfat/nonfat or no-sugar stuff because apparently my husband can taste the difference really well :) But maybe I should go back...

What do they use to sweeten the dessert? sucralose or aspartame? or something else?

Marina said...

I'm glad that it's going good for ya! I was going to do the weight watchers thing. But the most of the girls that i work with go to grantsville and go to weightwatchers. So I just get tips from them. The weightwatchers food is actually pretty good. (the smart ones desert are my fave :-) )

Brian said...

Call me crazy, but I find this all fascinating.