Saturday, November 01, 2008

"Check me out! No seriously check me out."

Oh John Legend how I love you....Oh wait, sorry that's not what this blog is about at all but I am listening to the John Legend station on Pandora and I'm pretty okay with that.

So here is the beginning of the 30 straight days of blogging. Prepare yourselves this will most likely be the best month of your life. :)

Yesterday was Halloween, not sure if you were aware. I dressed up as a pirate with my co-workers. It was a pretty fun day, except my dang parrot kept staring at me, falling off my shoulder or pecking people in the eye. One would expect that from a real parrot not a styrofoam parrot. I thought you were above that Patrick...shame. The company I work for gets pretty excited about Halloween. I've never liked Halloween. I have pretty much always hated dressing up because I can never come up with the perfect costume (have yet to find it FYI) but when you work at ____, you have to work really hard to dislike Halloween. There are a lot of talented & creative people there and it's a blast to see the costumes that people come up with. On my way home from work I kept looking into peoples cars and seeing people in costumes. Halloween is such a funny day! I loved seeing so many people dressed up. My favorite moment was when I was driving to the gym and saw a guy wearing a skeleton mask while raking leaves. That's just plain funny. I laughed a lot yesterday. Last night was pretty chill. Went to the gym with Al, made Chili (watched her make Chili?!) ate a yummy points friendly dinner with her and then enjoyed a visit from my darling nephew, sis & Brother in law. It was fabulous to see them, especially that little scarecrow that got chili all over my clothes. Didn't phase me in the least. Oh and if the only words he ever says are "woah" & "hi" I will still think it is the cutest thing as long as he says it just the way he does now. I laugh every time he says woah. It's hilarious. (I realize he'll say more as he gets older because he's dang smart but...well you'd have to hear it to understand) After they left Al & I made Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies then went to Laura's for a party. We ended up sitting in Laura's room talking about life, being all deep and stuff and it makes me laugh to think about because that's just so like us now but so unlike us 3 years ago. Growing up is weird.

Enough of my babble, here are pictures of me day as a pirate. ARRRRR!

Callie & I. Notice Patrick staring at me...and Callie too for that matter.
This is me with the outcast in our department, Juli. She was too good to be a pirate. Ignore my bandanna was a long day and I had just taken it off and didn't put it back on very well. This is Kristin. I absolutely love her but every time I looked at her yesterday I just had to laugh (or gag if I looked at the 'stache for too long...ick not a fan of mustaches) Don't you love her gold tooth? You can't see it, but it had a skull on it.
The Data Acq Matey's. Our ship was called the Screaming Siren. I don't know why but it seemed to fit. Quite the group I work with eh?
Look at the little scarecrow that wouldn't wear his whole costume! He sure is cute.
I learned that along with his new found love of hugging & cuddling Austin also poses for the camera and then smiles after you take the picture. This was my attempt to catch the cheese. I missed the majority of it but there is a little smile in there.


Brian said...

Yay! I'm excited for the best month of my life! Bring it on!

Daniel said...

I love the pictures Beth! You probably got extra candy for your costume being so cool!